Emergency Services

Shelter and Transitional Housing

We have a shelter of currently only 4 units.
With our shelter being very limited we only take clients through referrals.
We strive to make homelessness rare, brief, and when it cannot be prevented, a one-time experience.

Transitional Housing
Transitional Housing: Time-limited (typically less than two years).The intent is for clients to exit to independent, permanent housing.
Participants in a Transitional Housing project must have a signed Occupancy Agreement, an initial term of at least 30 days which is renewable upon expiration, except by prior notice by either party.

Family is experiencing homelessness or is in housing that is own/controlled by someone else (hotel room, unsheltered, doubled up)
Transitional Housing.
A family is staying at Family Promise. The case manager is working with mom on securing identification and dad on obtaining employment. The family has been referred for rapid rehousing and will be moving into an apartment within the month.

In every community, these core elements exist. By bringing the community together on the issue of family homelessness, Family Promise addresses a major social problem in a holistic, effective way. Once the community becomes engaged, people understand the root causes of family homelessness and take steps to address them. Family Promise Affiliates have created more than 1,700 community initiatives—housing programs, homelessness prevention, childcare and much more—that target the issues of poverty and homelessness on a local level.
Not only does our 88% success rate mean many more families stably housed, it is also a tremendous cost saving to the community as diversion from far more expensive interventions. Our approach of keeping families together, identifying their strengths, and partnering with the community for solutions means that families are at much lower risk of returning to homelessness.
Family Promise changes lives. We served 126,000 parents and children last year, giving them the ability to realize their true potential. We also change the lives of our 200,000 volunteers, giving them a meaningful outreach right in their own communities.